Industry Practicum Projects

W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
Sept 2020 - Nov 2020
W. L. Gore and Associates partnered with our MMB team to explore the world of Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA). Our goal was to generate a robust business model canvas outlining Gore’s opportunity to enter the CEA market. In particular, we set out to analyze the business opportunity for designing new soilless substrates. The scope of work included utilization of market research, value chain investigation, and interviews with industry experts to craft a business model canvas to direct Gore’s first steps within the CEA industry.
Biotalys NV
Feb 2021 - May 2021
As a graduate student consultant on a team with 4 other extraordinary members, I worked with Biotalys to evaluate potential market entry for their crop protection technology in the post-harvest industry. My team and I conducted 30 KOL interviews, sent out a survey with over 200 responses, and provided a final executive summary with our recommendations. Biopesticides are an exciting solution to the damaging effects of conventional pesticides. I am glad I had the opportunity to work with increasing sustainability in agriculture!

Sep 2021 - Nov 2021
I worked on a practicum project with Zen-Bio as the team leader for a group of 5 of my peers. Zen-Bio tasked our team with investigating small-batch media and Original Equipment Manufacturer markets to see if there was space for them to expand. Our job was to research this market and figure out how to best move forward. We approached this project by providing 4 key deliverables: market analysis, KOL outreach, competitive landscape analysis, and go-to-market strategies.