Scientific Experience
Research Assistant

UNCA Undergraduate Research
Aug 2016 - May 2018
In my final year of undergrad I presented my research on population genetic structure and hybridization within Western North Carolina Sarracenia plants. I gained valuable skills with laboratory techniques such as DNA extraction, PCR, and gel electrophoresis.
Scientific Coursework
Biology: Ecology and Evolution, Cell and Molecular, Botany, Zoology, Evolution, Genetics, Mycology, Cell, Mammalian Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology
Chemistry: General Chemistry l & ll, Organic Chemistry l & ll, Quantitative Chem Laboratory
Other: Phys l & ll
Biology: Microbial Metabolic Regulation, Manipulation of Recombinant DNA, Immunology, Virus Biotechnology: Pathogens to Therapeutics, Cancer Drug Discovery and Development, Microbial Biotechnology
MBA: Opportunity Evaluation and Value Creation, Legal, Regulatory and Ethical Issues in Life Science Industries, Current Topics in BioSciences Management